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Improving School Attendance Together

Regular school attendance is a key priority of us all, and this letter is to update you on how we want to work together to improve the attendance of our children. Regular attendance is everybody’s responsibility-parents, pupils and all members of school staff.

The Department of Education expects schools to achieve an attendance figure of 96%. Unfortunately, we only achieved 93% last academic year. This would mean that many of our children are not achieving their full academic potential due to absence. Children who are regularly absent:

  • do not achieve their potential in exams

  • find it difficult to maintain friendships

  • find it difficult to socialise


For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education, it is vital they attend school regularly. Your child should be at school on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

To help us focus on this we will:

  • Regular attendance updates via letters/text messages

  • Meetings with parents when attendance does not improve

  •  Reward good attendance

  • Best attendance class certificate weekly in assembly

  • Weekly stickers for children with 100% attendance

  • Weekly prize draw for one child per class as an attendance treat (100% attendance achievers only- drawn on a weekly basis - meaning children have a consistent chance at getting a prize)

  • 100% attendance children will receive a treat. (Please note this treat is only for children who have achieved 100% attendance)


Your role in supporting your child achieving regular attendance:

  • Punctuality: Please ensure your child is in school on time, gates open at 8.40 am. Children should be in class by 8.50am ready for learning. Any child arriving after 8.55 am will be registered as late. If your child is late to school and arrives after 9.25 am, they will be registered with an U code (late after registration closes). This is mandatory for all schools. This is an unauthorised late and will affect their attendance. Regular late children will receive a text from school and if lateness does not improve, you will be asked to come in for a meeting.

  • If your child will be away from school for reason of illness or any other unavoidable reason, please contact the school office by 9.15am. Please inform the school office on every day of absence.

  • If you do not contact the school with a reason for your child’s absence, a truancy call will be sent out asking for a reason.

  • If a reason is not provided by the end of the school day, your child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Unauthorised absence has a negative impact on your child’s record and could result in a fine.

  • Please try and book routine appointments outside of the school day. Where this is unavoidable, please collect your child from school to attend the appointment and return to school afterwards.

  • No leave of absence will be granted during term time, except for exceptional circumstances. Leave taken within term time may result in a fine.

We look forward to working together in improving attendance at Canterbury Cross Primary School.

All our letters and notices are sent out via the SIMS Parent App! Make sure you're registered to keep up to date with all school news. If you have any issues please come to the school office.

©2024 by Canterbury Cross Primary School

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