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Homework Policy

At Canterbury Cross we believe homework is a vital part of developing the partnership between parents and school.  Homework allows children to work independently and ensures they can apply the skills and learning they have been developing throughout the week away from their class setting.

Weekly Homework: Given out on a Thursday to be returned on Monday

  • Spellings

  • Literacy and Maths activities or sheets

  • Completing their reading record books


Holiday Homework:


Over the holidays children may be given more homework in the form of a project to complete or a topic to research.

Where homework is linked to research we ask the parents to ensure their children are safe on the internet and that they are vigilant at what the children are accessing.


Good Homework Habits:

  • Please look at the homework on Thursday night. Homework is given out on a Thursday so if there are any questions children/parents can see their teacher on Friday before the weekend.

  • Set time aside. It is important children have a regular routine. Creating a set time for homework will establish it as a normal part of your child’s routine and avoid a last minute rush on Sunday night.

  • Child/Parent Partnership. Depending on the age of your child you may need to work with your child to complete the task or you should review your child’s homework when they have finished. This will allow you to discuss what your child has been doing and explain anything they have misunderstood.

  • No excuses. Please do not give your child permission not to do their homework unless there is an exceptional circumstance. Homework is given out on Thursday allowing 4 evenings and 2 full days for it to be completed. It is important that children understand they have a responsibility for their learning. Where homework is not completed children may have to stay in at break time to complete the activity.

All our letters and notices are sent out via the SIMS Parent App! Make sure you're registered to keep up to date with all school news. If you have any issues please come to the school office.

©2024 by Canterbury Cross Primary School

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