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We all work together to ensure everyone feels secure and cared for, and to be able to share feelings, events, worries and concerns, in order that support can be given.

Health and Happiness

We encourage active and healthy lifestyles through our curriculum, which we believe will ensure a future of health and happiness.


It is our fundamental belief that everyone can achieve their best potential through our commitment to every child in our school to provide the best education.


We respect ourselves, others and our environment by taking care of each other and our school.


We believe in everyone being treated with equality through our commitment to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act. Every child is special so it is their right to be treated with equity.

Curriculum Statement of Intent

We use our Values of SHARE (Safety Health and happiness Achieve and enjoy Respect and Equality) to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success. We want our children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who make positive contributions, in wider society.  

At Canterbury Cross Primary School, the curriculum is designed to ensure ALL pupils achieve their full potential. Our learners are enthusiastic; they enjoy coming to school. Our schemes of work are personalised using the national curriculum content, we reflect the content and challenge of the connected curriculum integrated into the school values of SHARE (Safety, Health and Happiness, Achieve and Enjoy, Respect and Equality). Our curriculum incorporates the learning and emotional needs of the pupils in our school. Learners are at the centre of everything we do.  We believe our curriculum is exciting and inspires children to nurture their enthusiasm for learning.

The most-able are challenged to expand their knowledge and skills, those who find learning more difficult are supported to catch up quickly and those with specific needs are helped to achieve their individual targets. We ensure this by systematically giving pupils the pre-requisite knowledge to access an age appropriate full curriculum.

The Curriculum is designed with a focus on pupil knowledge and understanding, so all pupils are able to apply their learning across the curriculum. A primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, provide a purpose and relevance for learning and ultimately to help every student to find strengths and interests. We sequence groups of lessons building upon children’s prior learning, so they can connect their knowledge and become resilient thinkers.

Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum, they are lead practitioners who develop subject content, support teachers, review and monitor the curriculum and continuously self-evaluate.  Teachers and support staff receive regular CPD across all areas of the curriculum, as a result of this they are best prepared to provide outstanding curriculum provision. Developing the holistic child is of upmost importance and, with this in mind, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which encompasses academic subjects, Sport, Music, Art and PHSE Education.

Pupils leave Canterbury Cross, with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community.  They are confident learners who achieve their potential, and are fully equipped to access the secondary curriculum. We are particularly proud of the respect and care that our children show for one another, the environment and the community around us, as well as their fundamental belief in equality for all. Canterbury Cross ensures our pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.


A curriculum that has embedded values, school values of SHARE; our PHSE curriculum, the UNICEF Rights Respecting values, the school’s Good to be Green CRISP awards and British Values all a running theme through the school curriculum.

Implementing a curriculum that builds upon prior learning, develops and extends learners systematically across school so they all achieve through high quality provision. We have a whole school approach on knowledge and skills; the subjects are delivered through a connected curriculum, so pupils can apply their knowledge and understanding across subjects and have a context to their learning.

The breadth and depth of understanding across our curriculum develops mastery of ideas and concepts, together with an engaging and high quality pupil experience. We use a common conceptual language and coaching to share cross curricular success.

Our seamless system to monitor pupil progress from Early Years to Key stage 2 and for all pupil groups builds on prior achievements and maintains precision and accuracy in assessment. Learning from colleagues, partners and research is fundamental in how we develop, refine and implement The Canterbury Cross curriculum.


We have an accurate and precise school self-evaluation (with external quality assurance) of our strengths and areas for improvement. The qualitative and quantative assessment information demonstrates the high aspirations we have for ALL of our pupils.

Our school values visible through pupil behaviours and attitudes to learning behaviours are exceptional across school, with pupils who are able to self-regulate these when not supervised (age appropriate).

Pupil well-being issues supported; individual concerns addressed and pupils are given strategies to become resilient learners.

About: About Us

All our letters and notices are sent out via the SIMS Parent App! Make sure you're registered to keep up to date with all school news. If you have any issues please come to the school office.

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