School Council
The School Council at Canterbury Cross Primary School plays an important role in the life of the school.
In annual elections, pupils in years 2 to 6 are asked to write a speech explaining why they wish to be a school councillor and why the class should vote for them. Each class then votes for 2 school council members to represent their class.
Elections are then held amongst the members to allocate positions of responsibility within the council. These include the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
The school council members lead class council meetings in which they discuss ideas and issues related to school events and school improvement. They bring their class feedback to school council meetings for discussion and action planning.
Our School Council members are;
2K Kamran and Mahreen
2B Fatima and Uzair
3Q Umaiza and Aaryan
3SM Adam and Faatimah
4A Hannah and Sallahuddin
4E Hawwa and Hamaad
5H Imaani and Yahya
5W Umar and Ivie
6Z Anisa and Imaad
6Q Aliyaan and Meriem