Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Year 3, we have two classes which are 3SM and 3Q. Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday, children should come to school in PE kit on those days. Homework and reading records will be collected on Mondays, and homework is handed out on Thursdays.
Please see below our termly planner and what we have been getting up to this academic year!
We have been practising really hard this week on the glockenspiel to complete our terms song 'Three Little Birds.'
This week, we have looked at 'belonging' and where we belong and how it makes us feel.
We have been investigating shading and texture in both pencil and paint this week to begin our Henry Rousseau paintings next week.
In History we explored the concept of Civilisation. We then worked in groups to research more about these Civilisations and presented it to the class.
We have been on our trip to see Migration this week which relates to our topics about climate and location.
This week we have had our parent workshop this week on geography where we explored indigenous people. We then created their houses using our plans from the workshop.
We have been looking into our mental health this week. We have mind mapped all different strategies to make us feel better and created gratitude jars to remind ourselves who and what we are thankful for.
This week we have looked at European Languages and why they are important to us.
We have worked really hard this week identifying oceans, equators and the tropics.
This week we have been continuing our investigation using Scratch to move and develop our sprites in a variety of ways.
This week we have been working hard on completing our song on our recorders...even the tricky notes!
This week we have been completing our 'moving pictures' in DT where we have had to consider levers and pivots.
Year 3 have been sorting and describing different sets of rocks. We have looked into metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks and their origins.
The children have been exploring the origins of Diwali and then created these stunning diva lamps.
This week we have delved into the importance of protecting not only the rainforest but its creatures
We have been celebrating Black History month with African dancing and researching famous black athletes such as Usain Bolt.
Year 3 have really enjoyed the Rainforest Man - Dave coming in to share his experiences and creatures with us.
This week we have been getting to know our new classroom and each other. We have shared our likes and wishes with the class.