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Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Year 6, we have two classes which are 6D and 6Q. Our PE day is Mondays and Fridays, children should come to school in PE kit on those days. Homework and reading records will be collected on Mondays, and homework is handed out on Thursdays. 

Please see below our termly planner, our knowledge organisers, recommended reading list and what we have been getting up to this academic year!

SAT's Resources

Year 6 had their SATs parent workshop recently. Thank you to those who attended. The relevant presentations are available below.   

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This week, we celebrated the achievements of our school career with a graduation! It was a memorable afternoon with great singing performances that the children worked so hard to perfect. Thank you to all the parents who attended and for the support you have provided your child with throughout their life at Canterbury Cross!


This week has been very exciting for year 6. Some of our pupils were away at their residential trip where they challenged themselves with a range of outdoor activities. The rest of year 6 were busy practising and performing the Eid ul Adha assembly. A very eventful week indeed!


In D&T we are making our own pencil cases! However, in preparation, we spent this week honing our skills by stitching fasteners onto fabric, planning our pencil case designs and perfecting our measurements when creating a prototype. 

Business Consultation


In ICT this week, Year 6 began to learn how to use spreadsheets. We used Microsoft Excel to interpret, use formulas and input data into cells. 



In the build up to our SATs, we have been working hard with revision. Wishing you all the best for next week!

Phone App


As part of PHSE, we studied Article 17 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We explored how all children should have access to media and what tools and devices we have available to us to find information. 

Arts and Crafts


Building on from our last Art lesson, year 6 continued to explore the work of L.S Lowry with the focus being primarily on his use of colour. The children used watercolours to recreate his colour palette successfully. 



For British Science Week, we really honed in on how data can be presented in science to in many different ways. We discussed the use of each type of table and graph and how they can each tell a story of how something may change over time. Our investigation was really simple: how does shoe size change over time? This allowed the children to focus on presenting their data on large posters using a variety of tables and charts! 

Rosary Beads in Prayer


This week we deeply explored Jesus Christ's journey to the cross during the Holy Week, remembered by Christians during Easter festivities. We interpreted, discussed and plotted the fourteen stations of Jesus' journey to the cross on Good Friday. 



After researching, analysing and attempting to draw in his style, we took inspiration from Keith Haring to create our own interpretations of his fun, vibrant and expressive art!

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Refraction occurs when light travels from one medium to another. For example, from air to water. This week in year 6, we investigated the effects of refraction by exploring how light travels through different media. Some really fun observations were made!



This week, year 6 began their Science topic: Light. The children spent time exploring how light travels in straight lines and how it reflects off surfaces enabling us to see.



This week we have been learning about the Vikings and their attempts to conquer Britain!


This week in Year 6, we have been about the impact Birmingham had on the industrial revolution. We specifically explored how the Watt steam engine was revolutionary in the way that we travel today! 


This week in Design and Technology, year 6 made their pencil cases following their own designs. They selected stitch styles, fastenings and decorated their products keeping their target user in mind. The end results were amazing - well done year 6!

Petri Dishes


In Science, we continued our 'Living things' topic by exploring micro-organisms. We began by investigating the conditions needed for mould to grow on food. Each group set up their own variables and will record their observations throughout the week. 



The children in year 6 have worked so hard all week on completing their SATS assessments. It has been a long journey, but they have all shown determination and resilience to get to this point. Well done!

Mosque Minarets


For our topic on Akhirah in RE, we analysed the importance of selflessness by identifying kind actions within stories. We reflected on how Muslims can affect others positively by performing selfless acts.

Flag of Spain


For Spanish this week, we created noun phrases to describe local landmarks. We used Spanish dictionaries to translate our own adjectives before putting them together into a phrase. There were lots of amazing descriptions of our very own primary school, One-stop shopping centre and even a local supermarket! 



In Art this week, we were inspired by L.S. Lowry's use of perspective to make objects appear closer and further through use of line and proportion. Year 6 sketched their own industrial cityscapes based on his work.

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For World Book Day 2024, Year 6 created their own food-themed stories! 6D's 'Fruit Salad' posed a question: which is the best fruit? 6Q's 'A Mash Made in Heaven: a Fish and Chip Story' confirms that fish and chips really do go superbly well together.

Brain Illustration


During SMSC, we discussed how change is a part of life and the many ways in which we can cope with changes in our lives by categorising things we can and can't control. We also highlighted how a growth mindset can allow us to bounce back from difficulties and become more resilient in and out of school. 

Filling Out Form


During PHSE this week, we played games, took part in a range of activities and discussed the importance of listening as part of Children's Mental Health Week 2024. 

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This week, we have been learning to draw in the style of our focus artist: Keith Haring. Year 6 used lines successfully to depict movement.

Christmas Pine Tree


This week we learnt the story of Christmas. On Thursday we had a traditional Christmas dinner followed by an afternoon full of fun activities. 

Safarka F2A ee Buurta Pleasant Farm - Talaado 21ka Maarj 
Safarka F2K ee Beerta Farxada leh - Arbacada 22-ka Maarso

©2023 ee Dugsiga Hoose ee Canterbury Cross

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